7 best ways to Go Green


· Unplug your electric devices if you not using them or not required
· Switch to CLF bulbs instead of your regular fluorescent bulbs
· Use solar power for heating water, lighting bulbs
· Use natural lights and switch off lights to enjoy natural world
· Wash clothes with cold water instead of hot water. Dry them in the open air and in dryers
· Switch off your computers and mobiles in the night, do not put it to sleep or vibrate mode
· Keep your office or room at normal room temperature


· Don’t use non recycle plastic water bottles
· Switch to recycle paper bags, cloth or jute bags instead of plastic bags
· Don’t use plastic cups for your daily coffee or tea, buy a mug for yourself


· Take shorter showers using minimum water
· Brush your teeth without running of water
· Don’t leave your taps open, fix or repair the leakage
· Try to use recycle water for your daily use, watering plants.


· Try to walk or ride a cycle on short distances
· Switch off your car engines on traffic signals, parking lots
· Go for car pooling or sharing if you can
· Take the local train, bus to office or market instead of going by your own car
· Use battery power cars or bikes instead of regular petrol / diesel cars / bikes


· Print on both the side of the paper instead of single page
· Use recycle paper materials
· You handkerchief or less napkins whenever possible
· Recycle your newspapers and save trees
· Pay your bills online and do not ask for paper bills
· Go to a library or download from internet. Don’t buy books from market


· Try to be a non vegetarian for one day
· Eat and cook as per your requirement, don’t overcook and waste food
· Give away your extra food to needy instead of throwing it away is dustbins


· Plant trees and enjoy fresh trees
· Grow fruits and vegetables in your garden and eat fresh
· Save trees from cutting down and have plantation near your house
· Eat green vegetables as much as possible

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