7 Great Kings of India

Chandragupta Maurya– Chandragutpa Maurya was the first emperor of India and was the founder of Maurya Emperor. He almost captured the whole Indian Subcontinent during his rule from 1541 to 1507 BC. Chandragupta left his throne and became a Jain monk. He was succeeded by his son Bindusara in 298 BC. He died due to starving.

Ashoka –Bindusara’s son Ashoka the great became one of the most influential kings of India in the Indian history. Ashoka was a great king and fighter, he devoted himself to Buddhism after the victory of Kalinga. After winning the Kalinga, he went into the city and saw ruined houses, children crying, bodies lying in pool of blood which made him feel sad and he underwent a religious epiphany. Ashoka died at the age of 72 and Maurya Empire continued for more 50 years but later started declining. King Brhadrata was the last Murayan Emperor and was assassinated by his own general in 185 BCE. Ashoka’s principles and teachings are still alive through the Vedas even after his death.

Akbar – King Akbar was born in 1542 to Emperor Humayun. He was also known as Akbar the great or Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar. He became an Emperor at the age of 13 from 1542 to 1605. Akbar had a great interest in art, music, architecture and literature. He was the third and most successful Mughal Emperor of India.

Maharana Pratap Singh – Maharana Pratap Singh born in the year 1540 and was the king of Mewar in Rajasthan. He was the eldest son among 25 sons of Maharana Udai Singh II and was destined to be 54th ruler of Mewar in line of the Sisodiya Rajputs. He was against the Mughal Emperor Akbar just like Shivaji was against Aurangzeb. He was very patriotic and fought with honor to save its people and kingdom from Mughal rule. He ruled Mewar till 1597 and died at the age of 56 due to a serious injury caused during hunting.

Chatrapati Shivaji- Shivaji was born in 1627 and was the founder of Maratha Empire which lasted till 1818. Shivaji created his own Empire with Raigad as its capital and freed all Maratha from Mughal Empire. Shivaji was very famous for his Guerilla warfare tactics also known as Shiva sutra. He inspired and united all Maratha or Hindus to fight against Aurangzeb by motivating them a sense of pride and nationality.

Tipu Sultan – Tipu Sultan son of King Hyderali of Mysore was also known as Tiger of Mysore. He was the ruler of Mysore from 1750 to 1790. He got to power after his father’s death in 1782. He won important battles like Anglo – Mysore war and was against the expansion of British East India Company in India. He was also a poet, solider and scholar. Tipu died in the year 1799 defending his capital Srirangapatta and was buried alongside his father and mother in the city of Srirangapatta.

Prithiv Raj Chauhan– Prithiv Raj Chauhan was the last ruler of the Chauhan dynasty. He was son of Someshwar Chauhan and born in Ajmer. He became king at the age of 13 due to his father death in a battle. He was a very brave warrior and once killed a lion without any weapons in hand. Prithviraj was defeated and captured in the second battle of Tarain by Mahmud Ghori. He was treated very badly and made blind by Ghori for not lowering down his eyes. He never lost hope and with help of his court poet and friend Chand Bardai he killed Ghori with an arrow. His skills of hitting the target just on the basis of sound made him kill Ghori. During an archery competition organized by Mahmud Ghori, he heard his voice and attacked him. Mahmud Ghori was killed by an arrow stuck in his neck. In order to escape death at the hands of enemies Prithiv Raj Chauhan and his friend Chand Bardai stabbed each other.

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