How to increase traffic on your blog

How can I increase my blog traffic, many of us have these questions and looking out for answers. Here are few ways by which you can increase your traffic.

1.      Post regularly - At least twice a day, to keep your readers happy and updated

2.      Keywords - Use keywords by which users can find your site easily

3.      Add Blog to Social Media - Connect your blog to Facebook or Twitter. This will help in gaining traffic and more readers.

4.      Comment on other blogs - Get noticed by readers and other bloggers

5.      Get yourself registered on Twitterfeed and it will ensure Facebook and Twitter are updated with your new updates

6.      Fire up the search engines or ping your sites through Pingomatic or Pinggoat.

7.      Encourage your readers to subscribe to RSS - Feedburner is the best option

8.      Submit your blog to blog directories like Technorati, Techmeme, Blogcatalog

9.      Have Patience - Don't get dishearten if your traffic is low, as it takes time to gain popularity and increase traffic.

Since you have already got into blogging and wish to be a blogger, have patience and take it slow. Even a building is constructed slowly step by step. So don't try to rush and be impatient. All the best.

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