The Separation Wall in Israel

The Separation Wall also known as ‘Security Fence’ or ‘Security Wall’ along the Green Line. It was built for a sole purpose to keep in control the entry of Palestinian residents into Israel. Separation Wall is not only built in concrete but also includes electrified fencing, two meter deep trenches, roads for patrol vehicles, electric ground sensors, video cameras, sniper towers and razor wires. 
The Wall built on Green Line between West Bank and Israel is 760 kms in length and 25 feet in height. It is planned to have the wall four times long and twice as high as Berlin Wall.

In Jerusalem, the barrier does not always separate Israelis from the Palestinians, but also separates Palestinians from Palestinians. The Wall is not constructed on the Green Line between Israel and the West Bank. Close to 90% of the route of the wall is on Palestinian land inside the West Bank, encircling Palestinian towns and villages and cutting off communities and families from each other, separating farmers from their land and Palestinians from their places of work and education and health care facilities and other essential services.

The Separation Wall is built on occupied territory which violates International Humanitarian Law, a majority of Israeli settlements on the occupied territory that live and are settled illegally. It has affected the Palestinians in different ways like loss of land, road barriers, more Israel checkpoints, limited access to agricultural lands, water and medical facilities.

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